Sunday, 28 March 2010

Task 1.3 (Research - Open Research)

These are the films I decided to look at for my open research as I felt it would be best to do six in detail rather than do 10 and just look at them a little bit .
First lests look at the film trailer of Next Friday, this is a comedy based in america , the style of this trailer is to set the scene staraight away which this short trailer does by showing what to exspect with in the first few secons it shows two men jumping over a wall inbright orange prison suits , this indercates straight away that its going to be funny its unrealistic and two fully grown men in bright orange suits tied together to be able to get over such I high iron gate .the music is relaxed music and it is a slow paced trailer not showing quick cuts building tention it’s a relaxed comical style of intruducing and selling the film every 5 – 10 seconds there is a bit that makes the audince laugh this is a clear indication that the film will be funny all the way through . the style is gangster as you can see with in the trailer there is alchol drugs women in underwear hip hop music guns and fighting. Basicly shows what the whole film is about in the space of 1 minute foughty eight seconds.all the genetic conventions you can exspect leaving you on a feel good mood.
The next trailer I looked at was The Strangers which is a horror film this trailer takes a bit longer to show what kind of film it is the music is the main give away as you exspect to see from a horror film there is the romantic couple that everything seems perfct in this case they are home alone and he is going to ask her to marry him the roses on the bed the champagine the ring box in his hand the whole romantic scene which is usaly the beginning of horror movies to get you to feel for the couple so you feel like you shared something with them making the audience side with them feel like they know them and care about them. Then a smash is heard they get scared look around to see if someones in the house they are tricked into beliveing there is no one in there house then the audince gets to see there actaly is someone in there were as they don’t know which creates the tention because you know something wrong someones there and they don’t know them selves . various tecniques are used to set the mood such as pathetic fallacy which creates the right mood you exspect to see in a film like this .This trailer makes a jump between the slow music and the protagnists walking around the house slowly untill there is proof there is someone in the house , which is when the music kicks in and quick cuts build faster and faster to create that tention and fear this change between a state of caution to a sudden rush for your lives is represented when the axe comes through the door and the man stumbles back and knocks the record player using the music in a digetic way which I feel is very sucsessful. You see all the genetic conventions you would exspect to see in a horror movie scary antagnists , knifes writing on the wall axes guns .darkness tourches antaginists running for there life and blood workes very well in selling the film as it has just enough to make you want to see it and not enough to give the story away to much. The first screen of text says “ inspired by true events “ imidatly making you belive it’s a real story this means the audience thinks of this as a real event meaning these things do happen to people providing that real fear and terror. The next screen of text reads “we always tell ourselves “ followed by the next screen reading “theres nothing to fear “ which is a true statement whats ther first thing you do if you hear a strange sound then go look nothings there , you tell yourself this also envolves the audince and makes them feel like its real .the shot of the female protagnist standing looking worried and the figure in the mask apear in the background that she cant see makes you feel for her and makes the audience feel vunribilty and asif some one could be behind them.

Next I looked at the trailer for the film the hangover , the opening scene sets the theme and story of the film with in the first 16 seconds , it begins with one of the main charcters speaking about this batchelour party in vegas, then it cuts to a close up of him in tight y-fronts which indicates the nature of the film its going to be packed with jokes all the way through like straight after there is one of the main protagnists talking to his girlfriend and standing up for his friends saying the are mature if you get to know them , this is followed by his friednds shouting from outside “paging docter dochebag” clearly contridicting what he just said this trailer makes you laugh all the way through the idea behind this is cram all the best bits and funny bits into a trailer to show how great this trailer is therefore you want to see which other great bits your missing in the film, this sets the scene as everyday bunch of lads just out for a laugh and having a good time. The scene as they arive in the hotel just sums up everything you exspect it to be massive hotel room over looking casinos and strip bars and clubs . it shows them doing shots on the roof which is a clear indication that there out for a wild night in vegas. The clip fades out then slowly fades into the morning after which everyone is hungover the hotel room is in a shocking state chairs on fire theres a tiger in the bathroom and there is a baby in the cupboard this tells the audience that the charcters have no idea what went on the night before which outlines the story to the audience the film will constist of finding there friend and finding out what happened the night before by seing the after effects of the night in the morning this makes you want to see what went on the night before.this is a verysmart way of intising the audinece into the story wanting to know what happened and how rather than whats going to happen the film makers have taken a very different aprotch to telling this story however it works very well and is sucsessfull film. You see all the genetic conventions you exspect money casinos drunk weddings women in swimwear , hotels clubs alchol police casinos.

The next film I looked at was fast and furious 4 , the opening scene straight away sets the location and and the style and what this film is all about it shows a pertrol tanker worth 1.4 million dollars it shows the way they drive around thios pertol taker and steal it that they have done this before and they are profentinals at doing it this shows that the film is going to be about fast cars fast driving stealing ,shooting and exsplotions and girls in swim wear kissing it is aimed at young men , combining the two main things in most young mens life women and cars this is more aimed at a persific audience were as the other films are not as narrorwed towards a certain group of people.
This is a fast pased trailer showing quick cuts which portaray the movie as quick action packed and exsiting fighting shooting racing drinking and sex. The fast paced loud music over the top of the digetic sounds such as cars skiding crashing blowing up engines roaring the fast and the furious has a huge fan base before this film even came out as they have 3 other films which were all huge sucsesses for example this film grossed $72.5 million, dollars, it wasn’t exspected to do so well from media. Howerver this film trailer is a one which crams all the best bits of the film into a short soace of time missing all the details leaving you impressed and wanting to know more and see the film.

Layer cake was the next film I looked at which is a british crime film. The opening of the trailer shows the film is about drugs and how money and drugs are connected the man lighting a cigar with a gold lighter is a statement of how drugs can mean money and power as someone lights it for him this gives the audience a clear understanding that this character is someone who Is powerful and high up in what ever he does . It shows that the crime world is a hierarchy system showing the big bosses of the crime and drug world in huge houses in big rooms who sit at there desk smoking cigar. Just from the trailer this you can tell a lot about the film its shows how there are different layers to the cake which is a reference to the hierarchy system of the drug world it shows the main protagonist getting batches of cocaine and giving some men money they are clearly a low part of the cake then there is the main protagonist who is next layer with his friend who cuts the drugs with him then there is the layer above him as you can see people bossing him around then you see a figure in a big office getting his cigar light for him in stoke park club. This shows this is the cherry on top of the cake , you see a shot at the end of the protagonist outside the stoke park club leaning on the building this is a clear notification that he has made his way up the layer cake till he is at the top. This is a completely different style of trailer from the rest it tells the whole plot and what’s the story, in a four minute trailer which is a strange approach to selling the film as you already know what the film is going to happen therefore not giving you that element of what’s it all about the only thing attracting the audience is the clips showing short bursts of action making the film look like a action packed crime film which is very targeted at a certain audience therefore limiting there audience to a small amount of people. The music plays a huge part in this trailer it sets the mood and style of the film and matches the way everyone in part of the layercake thinks there living the good life were as there is always someone better off than you in this system.

Finally the last film I looked at was good luck chuck which is a romantic comedy, this is a feel good trailer it is made up of happy scenes and funny scenes which leaves you in a god mood and makes you want to see this movie its gives you a idea of what the story is with out giving away what happens and leaves you just enough to want to know what happens if the curse is true it is full with dialog which explains exactly what the situation is and what it includes everything you would see in a romantic comedy love , lots of women dates jokes its a real feel good movie trailer with in the first 30 seconds it tells the story and makes jokes for example when he goes into work there is two young attractive women who say ‘good morning doctor I think I have a cavity ‘ and the other woman says “me to” this is clearly a reference the have just booked appointments because they want to sleep with him as its meant to be lucky the next scene is a clip of his voice mail saying 108 new messages which are all women wanting him for his luck, then there is one a guy says “this is bob just hear me out”
Its packed with consant jokes to give the fun looking film that is left open to a wide audince.

Next Friday
The Strangers
The Hangover
Fast and Furious 4
Layer cake
Good Luck Chuck

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Task 1.2 (Research - Genre Comparative Study)

I decided to look at Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity for my Genre Comparative Study, As I feel theese are two sucusessful horror movies with very effective trailers.i intend to compare the simularties and diffrencances in this post whilst picking up on the key caractristics in the trailers .
Cloverfield is a all filmed in a hand held aproch to intise you into the trailer and make you feel as if you are actaly there , which is a very simular aproch to how paranormal activety adressed there film and trailer they used a hand held style aswell also in a documentry format as the main protaginist tells whats going on why he is filming and so on for example in the trailer he says “ HD camera on , my girl friend katie thinks there is some thing in the house” this straight away shows the style of the film a hand held documentry from and everyday normal man and woman which with in the first 25 seconds of the trailer you know what the style in which this has been made.Cloverfield uses a the same style of intruducing the style of the film with in the first 20 seconds it shows handheld footage of a surprise party there is people filming on phones and a lot of movment from the camera which is in the croud of people , this is a imidate indication that this is going to be a hand held documentry style of film the film is set straight away to make you feel asif you are there in the scene. The idea of making you feel asif you are in the scene is to intise you and make it feel like a personal exsperiance with in the first 20 -25 seconds of the trailer the next parts of the trailer are furthermore similar in ways such as once the scene is set the composition of horrible noises and tension building music playing loudly and quickly in the background this applies to both of them they are extremely similar paranormal activity is a build of quick cuts of movement and loud diegetic sounds for example the door slamming closed. In Cloverfield there is also cuts of quick movement and loud diegetic sounds such as explosions and the head of the statue of liberty hitting the ground and sliding. In both films the sounds are distorted to create that feeling of vulnerability. Paranormal activity goes on to set give the viewers a little insight into what is going on , which is a few clues as to what is going on with out giving away to much the female main protagonist shows a bruise or bite on her back and the male protagonist says ” Jesus, looks like something bit you” shortly followed by a clip of a male talking about the disruptive force he says “ you can not run from this it will follow you” which is informing the audience that something is tormenting her and it will follow her she cant get away from it . Cloverfield also gives the viewer a insight into what is going on , the trailer cuts to as close up of the main protagonists face and he says “my name is Robert Hawkins , approximately seven hours ago something attacked the city. If you found this then you properly know more about it than I do.” This does exactly what paranormal activity does.

However Cloverfield and Paranormal activity address the same style of doing what they have to in two very different ways, for example paranormal activity goes straight into the documentary style by setting up the camera showing exactly what he intends to do and they have a clear knowledge of what is going to happen and providing the audience with a clear understanding of what basically is going to happen. Were as Cloverfield on the other hand does the complete opposite it starts with a party and shows they are filming the party they have no idea that the city is about to be attacked its just fortunate that they are filming at the time. This means clover field is more trying to use the element of surprise so you feel the same emotion and shock as the characters feel. Furthermore in Cloverfield there is alot of panic and disorientation and how they are out in the big city open to vulnerability in the middle of then night and mass destruction is taking place. However in Paranormal activity they are in there own house in the own room were this disruption is only involving to two people in there own house there is no destruction involved in this trail there nearest thing is the door being slammed and the main protagonist being thrown against the bedroom wall

Friday, 12 March 2010

website home page


For the first ancillary task we decided to create a poster to promote our film. We researched many film posters and found what we liked and what needs to be included to make the poster successful. The most obvious thing we picked up on was that the poster would need a key image to the film to make it stand out and be attractive. We decided that we would take a picture of the antagonist in a dark tunnel with light showing his silhouette. Despite being limited to using a phone camera we managed to capture an effective image that was associated with our film.
We then added the film title on to our poster being sure to use the same font as was seen in the trailer itself so that the poster had inter house style. We also added our production company logo which we created ourselves as well as reviews of the film. We wanted to make the poster look professional so added the credits of the film onto the bottom of the poster just as other film posters do. We put it all together and we are very happy with the way it turned out looks very professional.

website home page-

this is the web banner which is displayed on the top of the web page also created on gimp (generated image manipulation program),along time was spent on this it is a animated banner, changing between two images that are set to fade into each other we used the same colour scheme and font all the way through make are film package , to make are film easily recognizable and people would see the poster and recognize the distinguishable style.

In The Shadows film website banner.

This is are website homepage which we made on gimp (generated image manipulation program). This also took a long time to produce as it is so much detail as you can see the web banner is displayed at the top of the home page we started by going out and getting several images of are own with the digital cameras, we started at the location we filmed at which is the north center bastion, in western heights Dover. We took several pictures inside the building, in various tunnels, we decided to get some from outside looking in to the tunnels with light behind us to give almost a silhouette, we looked at the descent film webpage which we felt was very successful this was using the light from behind to give off a silhouette style however this unparticular is very successful due to the face as the cast of the film all make up the shape of a human skull as you can see it is displayed. At the bottom of this post underneath are film website home page , we looked at several other horror films websites such as saw 6 webpage,
Furthermore we looked at the clover field movie which is filmed purely from hand held camera footage which is important to look at as a large element of are film is hand held , something we were inspired by about this website is it revels nothing about what the disruptive force is in this film, which leaves a large element of interest and wanting to know therefore enticing people into going to see the film.
We decided to incorporate this into are own project , as you can see from are web site there is no information on what the disruptive force is and even in the film poster there is a silhouette in the tunnel with light shining from behind , Therefore not revealing what the disruptive force is. As you can see there is everything you expect to see on a film homepage a certificate rating , a feedback terms of use and polices links which will give you a direct link to view are polices and terms of use back and leave and view feedback. Which a legal requirement is as is to clearly display the film rating certificate. And as some films do although this is not a legal requirement have quotes from well know media industries such as the daily telegraph which and display a 5 star rating. There is a vast amount of detail gone into this webpage for example, the central image on the page is one taken in the north center bastion and has been edited using gimp we used a build up of layers and filters to give the colour and distorted look to the image we had to darken by playing with the contrast settings and the light settings to accomplish the desired look. Which I feel we caught perfectly as you look at the image straight on you can see and empty tunnel if you look down on this image or tilt your screen down you can see several of the cast standing in the tunnel looking lost and disorientated.
Also I think the border makes the page look so much more effective. The border is actually from another picture we took inside the north center bastion which we cropped the two of the walls and distorted them and played about with contrast settings to get this look then faded them into the background making the images fade into black as they near the center of the page. The webpage main links light up in sequence around the page in a clockwise motion they also brighten up as you hover over them.

In The Shadows film website homepage.

The Descent film webpage .